Our BLog
What's New at VBIS?A space to share stories, new ideas, the latest brain injury research, community news, & office updates. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive great content in your inbox each month!
Tips & Tricks
Learn something new today
Navigating life with a brain injury can be challenging, so we’re always on the lookout for new ways to make things a little bit easier. Check this section regularly for the latest tips & tricks!
Survivor stories
connect & Reflect
As each and every brain injury is different, each healing journey is unique. Stay tuned for heartwarming survivor stories here, and to be featured, email admin@vbis.ca!
Thoughts from the front line
VBIS represents a diverse array of people, each possessing unique stories and experiences. These articles highlight powerful ideas gathered from clients, staff, volunteers, donors, and others.
Media Releases
Extra! Extra!
Don’t miss out! Stay up to date with the latest news from VBIS. Here is where you’ll find announcements about upcoming events, new programs, recent partnerships, and so much more!
Video content
Lights, Camera, Action!
Don’t get us wrong – we love to read! But sometimes a video conveys a message that words can’t. Here you’ll find all of our audio-visual content in one tidy place!
Tips & Tricks
Learn something new today
Navigating life with a brain injury can be challenging, so we’re always on the lookout for new ways to make things a little bit easier. Check this section regularly for the latest tips & tricks!
Like what you see?
Generous support from the community allows us to share these stories and provide essential care for brain injury survivors and their families. Help us fulfill our vision and create a better future for brain injury survivors by donating or signing up to volunteer today.