How We Can Help

Train Your Brain
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did you know you can

train your brain

with a video game?

VBIS now offers Train Your Brain, a program that allows participants to engage in weekly cognitive training using NeuroTracker software.  

In collaboration with Dr. Brian Christie and PhD Candidate Taylor Snowden at the University of Victoria, we have conducted research into the efficacy of NeuroTracker training on traumatic brain injury survivors. Our findings indicate that use of NeuroTracker software reduces the severity of brain injury-related symptoms in adults. As well, our research suggests that this form of 3D Multiple Object Tracking can improve various cognitive functions. 

you may be wondering...

how does

cognitive training

benefit me?

We like to say that NeuroTracker training is like taking your brain to the gym – it simultaneously engages all four lobes of your brain which is important in their ability to work together. The software is in 3D because it translates to real life – where you are doing tasks in 3D (for example, remembering where you left your keys in your house). NeuroTracker requires your brain to use processes such as working memory, complex motion integration, and attention processing. What we learn in neuroscience is the concept of “what fires together wires together” – by engaging these neural circuits in your brain for memory, visual tracking, and attention, you are strengthening the networks responsible for such tasks. Every brain and every injury are unique – therefore the outcomes from this program will differ from person to person.  

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