Contact Us

Contact or Visit Us

Email Address

General Inquiries
Executive Director


C100-633 Courtney St, Victoria, BC V8W 1B9

Open Mon-Thurs 10 am – 3 pm

Phone Number

Front Desk (250)-598-9339

Contact or Visit Us

Email Address

General Inquiries
Executive Director


Units C, D & E 830 Pembroke St. Victoria, BC V8T 1H9

Open Mon-Thurs 10 am – 3 pm

Phone Number

Front Desk (250)-598-9339

Volunteer with Us

Are you looking to make a difference in your community? We offer a variety of volunteer roles and are open to your ideas as well. Visit our volunteer webpage to learn more about what volunteering at VBIS could mean for you.

Make a Donation

Our organization is able to create life-changing opportunities for brain injury survivors because of the generous contributions made by members of our community. Consider joining our movement by making a donation to VBIS today.

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